In addition to domestic laws and regulations, this Policy draws on in-house and external expert knowledge in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and labor standards of the International Labour Organization (ILO).
The Policy applies not only to the business of the KOA Group but also to its value chain (including suppliers, customers, users, communities, and other business partners). We engage in individual dialogues in order to cooperate in preventing and mitigating the associated risks and impacts. We accept recommendations from affected stakeholders or their legitimate representatives and take concrete actions to address them.
The KOA Group regards establishing the bond of trust with 5 stakeholders which include employees as a corporate mission. In addition, we have been keeping a spirit of foundation to stimulate regional employment. In order to keep up and grow our business, each employee’s growth is essential. We see our employees not as just human resource but as human treasure, which means, we think our employees as a major fortune among the whole management resources.
The KOA Group thinks a great deal of paid or unpaid job satisfaction of employees. Regardless to race, color, philosophy, gender, religion, nationality or illness, we have been establishing the working environment and personnel system so that each employee voluntarily makes an effort and anyone who achieved the goal receives a fair assessment. As for recruiting activities to find the human treasure, we hire a wide variety of human resources having different values and ideas, irrespective of race, color, philosophy, gender, religion, nationality or illness.
As such, we think respect for basic human rights is the universal and top-priority issue and specify the basic policies as below.
- Respect for basic human rights
The KOA Group respects culture, custom and history of a country where we operate and never violates basic human rights which we respect and are secured by constitutions, laws and regulations.
- No inhumane treatment
The KOA Group never allows harsh and inhumane treatment nor the threat including any harassment, sexual abuse, corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion or verbal abuse.
- Forced / child labor avoidance
The KOA Group never uses prison labor nor slavery for any stages related to our operational activities, nor labor of a child who is under the age specified by a law of each country.
- Non-discrimination
The KOA Group never engages in discrimination based on race, color, gender, religion, nationality, or illness in employment practices to realize equal opportunity and fair treatment.
- Respect for workers’ rights
The KOA Group admits workers to associate freely, respects the rights to join or not join labor unions and join workers’ councils, and gives importance to open and thoughtful discussion based on mutual trust in accordance with laws and regulations of a country where we operate.
- Securement of appropriate employment condition (labor hours and wages and employee’s health)
The KOA Group controls labor hours, day-offs and vacation appropriately, and creates an environment in which employees can work as being mentally and physically healthy, in accordance with laws and regulations of a country where we operate.